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Press ‘Pause’ (not ‘Skip’)

Dec 01, 2024 By: Draa Mackey Series: Advent 2024: Fulfillment Scripture: Matthew 1:1-17
It’s that time of year again: a time when we all sit down with our families to watch our favorite Christmas movies. Which one is your favorite? How many times have you seen it? Is there one that you simply can’t stand but the rest of your family loves? If so, you’re not alone! It can be tempting to utilize your remote’s skip button during THAT music number or sappy dialogue. However, pressing “skip” causes everyone to miss out on part of the story. You may be tempted to skip Matthew 1:1-17, and head right for the “action” of the forthcoming narrative. Instead of pressing skip, let’s press “pause,” and learn just how important and amazing these first 17 verses are!